CRIME STATS | Crimes against women rise, many rapes happened in schools

Educational facilities included schools, universities, colleges and day-care facilities.

Of the 91 rapes, 74 happened in schools.

KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and the Western Cape had the highest reported cases of rape at educational facilities, with 17, 15 and 13 respectively.

“We send our children to school to learn and we expect such environments are safe and conducive for learning; 91 incidents of rape were reported as having taken place at an educational institution, while 12 murders were reported,” Mchunu said.

While many of the 17 community crimes showed a decrease in the three months, crimes such as murder, attempted murder and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH) increased against women and children.

Murders of women increased by 71 cases compared with the same period last year, accounting for a 7.9% increase. Attempted murder of women increased by 16% with 227 more counts, while assault GBH saw a spike of 885 cases, a 6.9% increase.

“We recorded an increase in murders of women, meaning 966 were killed in the quarter compared with the previous quarter when 895 women were killed. Attempted murder of women … the numbers were 1,644. Assault GBH increased to  13,757 compared with 12,872.”


Rorisang Kgosana

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