The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] in Mpumalanga is perturbed by the continuous and perpetual attack of employees by gangsters in Healthcare facilities and other government institutions in the province.

It is concerning that hospitals, clinics and schools have turned to be playgrounds for gangsters. Workers and the community are terrorised, robbed off their accessories and other personal belongings. The workplaces is no longer conducive and safe environment. These attacks started from health facilities, escalated to schools and other government institutions. While still recovering from the unfortunate incident which occurred two weeks ago, at Themba Hospital under Ehlanzeni District. Recently, workers have been terrorised both at KwaMhlanga Hospital and Klarinet Clinic in Nkangala District.

Similarly, the union is astonished by the increasing number of cases of stolen and hijacked State vehicles, almost on weekly basis in the province. These incidents occurred inside and outside the government institutions. Within a space of six months, Mpumalanga Provincial Government has lost 31 state vehicles through hijackings, and 28 of those vehicles were stolen from Nkangala District, and three cases of hijack from Gert Sibande District. It is worrisome that all the stolen vehicles through hijackings, only four vehicles were recovered in Nkangala District. Moreover, an employee of the Mpumalanga Provincial Department of Health, and member of NEHAWU at Evander Hospital in Gert Sibande District is still missing with the car which he was driving while on duty since December 2023. There is absolutely nothing, said or done by law enforces and those who are in a position of authorities on this matter.        

The issue of crime and community safety remains a societal issue, and we call upon every sector in our communities to take part in ensuring that thuggerism is uprooted in our communities. Government institutions, state properties, and workers must be safeguarded at all material times, in order for the community to access quality and comprehensive services without any hindrances. Patients’ Safety, Clinical Governance and Clinical Care remains the second domain in the National Core Standards for Health Establishment in South Africa which must be adhered to at all material times.

We call upon the Provincial Administration to implore on strategies which will enable government employees to remain protected in their place of work. We further call for the Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison to work with the Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport, other Departments and municipalities to ensure that all employees, the community and state properties are protected.

In the Memorandum of Demands which was handed over on the 17th of August 2023 by NEHAWU to Mpumalanga Provincial Government, the issue of strengthening security measures in all government facilities was emphasized. Therefore, we are very much disappointed that since that time of receiving the memorandum of demands nothing much was done in protecting employees with regards to safety and security in the workplaces. 

We call upon all NEHAWU structure in Mpumalanga province to intensify the Public Service Delivery Campaign, in line with the “Close Ranks Defend the Base Campaign” in defence of health and safety in respective workplaces.

To mitigate safety and security challenges which are perpetually occurring in many government institutions, the union demands the following:

• The security measures as identified be implemented without any failure.

• Regular visits and visibility of the SAPS in Healthcare Facilities and Schools in the province.

• Intergovernmental approach on the safety of employees in all government institutions driven by the Office of the Premier.

• Psycho-social support to all the employees who are victims of the traumatic incidences. 

• Branding of all provincial Government vehicles and installation of tracking devices.

• Insourcing of all services, including security in all sphere of government in the province when the contract of the current service providers lapses in the 2025/2026 Financial Year.

• Absorption of all contracted employees. 

• Intensify the fight against corruption, Maladministration and Mismanagement through internal processes and law enforcement agencies.

Lastly, we demand that the Provincial Government attend to the issue of the safety of employees in all government facilities, failing which will leave the union with no choice but to direct its members to withdraw their labour power. Especially those who are exposed to safety risks until their safety is guaranteed. NEHAWU in Mpumalanga will not fold its arms while workers are butchered and terrorised by thugs on daily basis in workplaces wherein they are supposed to be protected by employers.


Issued by NEHAWU Mpumalanga Secretariat

For more information please contact Welcome Mnisi (Provincial Secretary) at 082 455 2897 or email or Gift Maseko (Provincial Deputy Secretary) at 063 685 3461 or email

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