Mpumalanga premier Mandla Ndlovu on R52m corruption raids, arrests for PPE money theft

Mpumalanga premier Mandla Ndlovu believes the raids implicating provincial government officials conducted by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and the Hawks, who seized assets and properties valued at about R52.6m, will be essential in prosecution crackdowns and getting rid of corruption in state entities. 

The law enforcement entities, spearheaded by the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), said on Tuesday the assets were linked to 22 officials, service providers and entities involved in an alleged corruption network within the Mpumalanga department of public works.

The recent operations led to the freezing of assets worth about R52.6m, including properties, vehicles, and financial holdings linked to Covid-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) tenders.

The investigations follow patterns of procurement irregularities, where contracts were awarded without corresponding service deliveries and allegedly facilitated through kickbacks.

“We welcome the attachment of their assets as part of the investigation to eliminate any form of corruption and crime in our state institutions. This is significant to establish good governance, promote good conduct and uphold integrity among public servants,” said Ndlovu.

Modiegi Mashamaite

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