EFF prepared to work with ANC-led unity govt in Gauteng legislature

“However, this is not something that is on paper that we will support ANC all the time; we will assess and check if it aligns with our ideologies then we will take a decision,” he said.

“We wouldn’t support any motion that seeks to abuse ANC, whether they [ANC] want us in government or not we will not allow the DA to abuse ANC,” he said.

On Wednesday, premier Panyaza Lesufi announced his cabinet which excluded the DA but included  the IFP, PA and Rise Mzansi.  

The IFP got 3.8% in Gauteng in the May elections, the PA got 2% while Rise Mzansi got 0.42%

Meanwhile, the MK Party said they have not yet decided if they will support the ANC or not.

The party’s spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndlhela said they were still expected to take a decision internally whether to support them in passing motions and budgets.

“We will meet internally and make decision and afterwards we will announce our positions. For now we remain in the opposition and we will ensure that we hold government to account,” he said.

Political analyst Prof Sethulego Matebesi has warned that dysfunctionality is likely to reign in the Gauteng legislature with the ANC having failed to form a majority government.  

Without the backing from the opposition parties, the ANC and its partners cannot pass a budget or adopt motions and Matebesi, a professor from  the University of Free State said this could be “a messy situation”.

Herman Moloi and Malibongwe Dayimani

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