Mpumalanga MEC Catherine Dlamini denies tender corruption allegations by EFF

Mpumalanga education MEC Catherine Dlamini has denied allegations of tender corruption against her by the EFF, after three days on the job.

The EFF accused Dlamini of interfering with supply chain tender processes and the appointment of service providers shortly after she was appointed to the top position last week on Tuesday. 

“On Friday June 21, the department of education had its first management meeting with the MEC. The EFF received a tip-off that during the meeting the MEC instructed the head of department and other senior officials to cancel all tenders approved before her arrival as MEC,” the EFF said.

“The EFF is reliably informed Dlamini also instructed the department to reinstate a service provider whose contract was terminated after it lapsed, which is against supply management processes.”

Innocentia Nkadimeng

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