Pinetown Boys’ Rugby Players Chosen for KZN Team | Highway Mail

PINETOWN Boys’ High School (PBHS) is proud of its two learners and sportsmen who are excelling, not only in the classroom but also on the field.

Sandile Soni and Linda Shangase have been selected to play for the provincial rugby KZN schools Wildebeest team, and the school said this is a prestigious honour for their dedicated and hard-working learners.

Linda plays loose-head prop while Sandile plays tight-head prop.

Linda said he draws his inspiration from the well-renowned former Springbok prop veteran, Tendai Mtawarira, also known as ‘The Beast’.

Sandile said he prides himself in the set pieces of the game.

Senior rugby coach at Pinetown Boys’ High School, Lunga Ninela, described Linda as a down-to-earth, humble character.

“He is not that vocal, but he has worked very hard in the off-season and pre-season and truly deserves all accomplishments he’s now getting. He is exemplary in everything he does. He simply gets on with his work and concentrates on executing the tasks expected of him on the field and off the field while displaying great leadership characteristics,” said the coach.

Director of sports Zukile Madikizela proudly described Linda as a young man who has always been a disciplined character on and off the field.

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“He has grown his understanding of the rugby game in the past year – he has shown great interest in improving his technique at the scrum set-piece as prop as that is one area that many fail to master, but Linda has grown his knowledge of rugby and his technique at the scrum.”

“Sandile shows his strengths and abilities in the scrums and contributes to the team in line-outs by his strength of lifting the jumpers, getting them to heights where they contest for opponents’ balls or giving his teammates jumpers to heights where they keep their possession of the ball.”

Madikizela said he is proud of the boys as also, last year, they had a learner, Kwanda Mhlongo, who was selected to represent the KwaZulu-Natal schools team.

“Being chosen to represent your province is a result of hard work and dedication. I hope this motivates other learners to push themselves further, striving to grow as athletes and contribute to future successes,” he said.

Pinetown Boys’ High school principal Sunil Singh said the school was proud of the two learners.

“Having Kwanda Mhlongo leading the way and making the provincial team in 2023 inspired the boys and the rest of Pinetown Boys’ learners to strive for excellence in any aspect of life.

“It has been a stellar season from the boys – the results truly speak for themselves – our boys are flying the school flag high. It is so rewarding to see that PBHS still has players with the capability of playing at the highest level. We hope this will open more avenues for our boys and more especially the participation to grow for the game of rugby,” said the proud principal.

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Author: Highway Mail

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