“It should be banned in EC”: Saffas are not impressed with the initiation practice

In the Eastern Cape’s Buffalo City metro, the death of an initiate at a winter initiation school has sparked concern. This marks the first fatality of the 2023 winter season. The death may be linked to a possible fraudulent initiation school in Mzamomhle, where 24 initiates are currently present, many lacking proper documentation. Local authorities and community figures, like Professor David Mosoma, emphasize the ongoing issue of illegal initiation schools. Last summer, the region saw 35 initiation-related deaths, up from 22 the previous year. Buffalo City Metro spokesperson Samkelo Ngwenya stresses the need for community vigilance. Online reactions are mixed, with frustration and calls for the practice’s abolition juxtaposed against cultural staunch advocates. Meanwhile, Gauteng recently saw the rescue of 138 boys from illegal schools. The Eastern Cape continues to grapple with the balance between cultural traditions and safety concerns.

Original Source: Briefly
Date: 2024-06-16 06:28:37

Author: Briefly

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