MK Party gets 1.4% in North West by-election, while ANC gets a 70% boost

The MK Party centered its inaugural election campaign on achieving a “two-thirds majority,” a feat no party has attained in their first attempt since 1994. Historical data show that reaching such heights early is rare: the ANC’s COPE, founded by Mosiuoa Lekota, Mbhazima Shilowa, and Mluleki George, garnered 1,311,027 votes in 2009 shortly after its inception. In 2014, the EFF secured 1,169,259 votes in its initial election. Similarly, the DA gathered 1,931,201 votes during its first national election in 2004. This election cycle, Zuma expressed ambition, believing that the combined vote power of the EFF and the MK Party could potentially alter the established voting patterns in the national and provincial elections.

Original Source: Sinesipho Schrieber
Date: 2024-05-16 12:23:48

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