Party calls for minister to stay at home! | Daily Sun

Party calls for minister to stay at home!    | Daily Sun

ActionSA says Justice Minister Thembi Simelane must not go to BRICS meeting.

ACTIONSA wants Justice Minister Thembi Simelane to be left out of the BRICS Ministers of Justice meeting in Russia.

The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 18 September to Friday, 20 September.

In denouncing her attendance, the party said there was a cloud hanging over Simelane’s head.

“In light of the cloud of serious allegations of corruption that directly affect her role as the Head of the Department of Justice, along with concerns about a potential conflict of interest regarding her influence over the NPA, we strongly believe she should not be travelling in any official capacity until her name is cleared,” said ActionSA chief whip Athol Trollip.

He pointed out that the party was currently engaging with the Office of the Public Protector regarding its request for an urgent independent investigation into the “loan” solicited from VBS Investment Broker, Gundo Wealth Solutions, during her tenure as mayor of Polokwane.

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The municipality unlawfully invested R356 million into the now-collapsed VBS bank.

Trollip said: “Given the multitude of unanswered questions surrounding the potentially corrupt transactions, the serious implications if she is found guilty, and the potential impact on her continued leadership of South Africa’s justice system, ActionSA is committed to ensuring this matter is thoroughly investigated.

“As such, we believe the Minister should be suspended pending the outcome of the ongoing investigations.”

He emphasised that ActionSA will continue to pursue all avenues to ensure Simelane is held accountable, and the integrity of the justice system is safeguarded.

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Mfundekelwa Mkhulisi

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