Simelane to report to ANC integrity commission on ‘loan’

On Friday, Simelane appeared before parliament where she gave her side of the story on receiving the alleged kickbacks.

Simelane said the loan came straight from Gundo Wealth Solutions and not VBS. She said that she repaid the loan in three instalments and paid interest of more than R250,000.

ActionSA  has filed an urgent complaint with the public protector, Adv Kholeka Gcaleka, for her to urgently initiate an investigation into the allegations. 

ActionSA believes this is a clear case of an obvious conflict of interest, with the integrity of the justice system under her stewardship at stake. It is simply untenable that the very person entrusted with ensuring justice is upheld in South Africa may herself be compromised, which, in turn, casts a shadow over the NPA’s ability to carry out its mandate impartially and without favour,” said the party.

The party further said should Gcaleka conclude that there is sufficient evidence of wrongdoing, it will write to Ramaphosa requesting the immediate removal of Simelane as justice minister.


Herman Moloi

Herman Moloi
Author: Herman Moloi

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