Lesufi claims crime prevention measures ‘bearing fruit’

Lesufi made the remarks during a question-and-answer session in the provincial legislature on Tuesday. 

The premier said the number of murders in the province had shown a marginal decrease between April 2024 and June 2024.

It was down 0.5% in the first quarter, with 30 fewer murders reported than in the same period last year.

Lesufi told the legislature that the budget for the Department of Community Safety was increased to R2.8 billion from R900 million.

“The second point of our strategy was the resourcing for the SAPS. We have managed to acquire almost 385 cars and hire three helicopters for the SAPS. In areas where people have just established a community, and there is no police station, we have put up mobile police stations to assist the SAPS”.

Lesufi said the provincial government is working around the clock to root out crime.

“The latest statistics that were released by the Minister of Police, only one province saw the decline in crime and that is Gauteng. The number might not be the way we want it but at least we have arrested the sudden increase and spike. We are proud that cash heists, murder and hijackings have gone down.”   


Jacaranda FM

Jacaranda FM
Author: Jacaranda FM

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