Pandor says many ‘lazy’ people in powerful positions

Pandor delivered the remarks during a special sitting of the Gauteng legislature on Tuesday.

The session was held to honour Pandor and former cabinet minister and  African Union Commission chair Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma for their contributions to South Africa’s democracy.

During her address, Pandor emphasised that the government can only make meaningful progress if those who are not contributing are removed from their positions.

“I also believe that one of the matters we must attend to is to ensure that we work really hard,” Pandor said. 

“I think there are a lot of lazy people who are in very powerful positions.

“Maybe premier, what you need to do is every morning, at around quarter to eight, you phone everybody and find out where they are.   

“You should have a special kind of cell phone with a particular GPS component that can tell you how to geolocate all those who should be in their department at a particular time,” said Pandor. 

She pointed the finger at “lazy people” for dragging down the progress made by the government over the last 30 years.

“Our legacy of disadvantage is huge as South Africa, and if we have people who are lazy, who cannot attend to the task, we are going to take centuries to change our condition. 

“So I do say, let us ensure that we have people who work hard, and those who work hard must be rewarded, and the lazy people should be booted out because we don’t need them in our society,” she added.

She acknowledged that South Africa is a complex society with a multitude of socio-economic problems. 

“But with attention to details, I believe we can change our conditions,” she said.


Jacaranda FM

Jacaranda FM
Author: Jacaranda FM

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