GGDA’s strategic plans to boost Gauteng’s economy  

The Gauteng Growth and Development Agency (GGDA) is set on driving economic growth in Gauteng by creating a more favourable environment for investment.  

Acting Group CEO Saki Zamxaka outlined the agency’s strategic priorities, which focus on facilitating investment, developing infrastructure, and creating jobs.  

“We are focused on simplifying the investment process to make it easier for businesses to establish and grow their operations in Gauteng. By streamlining these processes, we aim to position Gauteng as the premier destination for both local and international investors,”   

said Zamxaka.

One of the GGDA’s key strategies involves the development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), such as the OR Tambo SEZ, which offer specialised infrastructure and incentives designed to attract investment.  

“These SEZs are critical to our strategy. They are tailored to meet the specific needs of industries, providing them with the infrastructure and support necessary for success. This, in turn, will lead to significant job creation and economic growth in our province,” Zamxaka added.  

In addition to investment facilitation, the GGDA is prioritising infrastructure development, particularly in sectors that support emerging industries.  

“We are placing a strong emphasis on developing infrastructure in areas like data centres and other technology-driven sectors. These sectors are the future, and by supporting them, we are ensuring that Gauteng remains competitive in the global market,” commented Zamxaka.  

The GGDA’s efforts are expected to have a substantial impact on job creation in the region.  

“Our ultimate goal is to see a significant increase in job opportunities for our people. By leveraging positive economic sentiment and increasing capital investment, we aim to elevate investment levels to around 25–30% of Gauteng’s GDP.  

“This will not only boost the province’s economy but also contribute to long-term economic prosperity for our citizens,” he said.


POWER 98.7

POWER 98.7
Author: POWER 98.7

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