Statement from DENOSA Free State on the fire that broke out at the National Hospital. – COSATU

BLOEMFONTEIN – Following the fire that broke out at the National Hospital in Bloemfontein on Sunday afternoon, which forced the temporary suspension of services pending an investigation, the Democratic Nurses Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA) in the Free State is calling on the provincial Department of Health to urgently set up health and safety committees at the hospital and other facilities to prevent a similar disaster from happening again in the future.

This will ensure that all healthcare facilities comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) for the safety of both patients and healthcare workers. DENOSA considers it a miracle that no lives were lost or injuries sustained when the facility did not have a Health and Safety Committee.

DENOSA pays a special tribute to all healthcare workers who worked tirelessly to ensure that all 83 patients at the facility were cared for during the disaster and that they were all successfully transferred to various healthcare facilities.

DENOSA also calls on the ministry to ensure that all health workers are provided with psychosocial support as they are both emotionally and psychologically disturbed by the incident. We also call on the ministry to involve trade unions in the deployment of staff in different facilities as this process entails the change in working conditions for the workers.

A number of nurses are sent to various healthcare institutions further away from their place of residence during their deployment, which incurs additional costs.

Ways should be explored to ensure that they are not charged additional costs so that they are not financially penalised for an incident they did not cause.

While the investigation into the cause of the fire is still ongoing, DENOSA feels it is necessary to express its displeasure over the incident and to advocate for the patients. This ultimately led to the complete closure of all services, with the exception of some services such as eye care and oncology which are provided in the building next to the hospital.

With the Health and Safety Committee in place, things like unobstructed fire exits, fire detectors and alarms in various units of the facilities are being ensured and promoted. Regular safety drills are also being held for staff so that everyone knows what to do in case of emergency.

DENOSA calls on the newly appointed MEC of Health in the province to ensure that health and safety structures are urgently put in place in all facilities. That is where the issue of OHSA compliance begins.


Published by the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA) in the Free State.

For further information please contact:

Brian Motshabi, Provincial Secretary of DENOSA Free State.

Mobile: 072 432 6119.

Thibogang Thole, chairman of the province of DENOSA Free State.

Mobile: 079 501 5508.

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