Resurgence of Free State football teams could boost economy

Opposition parties in the Free State have called for a renewed focus on reviving local football teams, particularly Bloemfontein Celtic and Free State Stars, in a bid to improve the local economy.

MEC Ketso Makume presented the 2024/25 budget for the Department of Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism, and Environmental Affairs in the Fourth Council Hall on Thursday (1/8). The parties believed that these teams were once vital economic engines and could significantly revitalize the economy of the province.

EFF MPL Malefane Msimanga began by criticising the budget Makume had delivered, saying it failed to address the needs of the less fortunate and overlooked the economic potential of restoring top-flight football in the region. The presence of teams such as Bloemfontein Celtic and Free State Stars gave local businesses, from petrol stations to guest houses, a major boost, attracting visitors from across South Africa and beyond.

EFF MPL Malefane Msimanga at the DESTEA budget table for 2024/25. Photo: Screenshot

“It is crucial to revive Bloemfontein Celtic and Free State Stars. They were important economic pillars, generating significant revenue and strengthening the provincial economy. People travelled to see these teams play, which benefited local businesses through increased patronage,” Msimanga said.

He lamented that while the provincial government has irregularly allocated R2.2 billion to entities such as Interstate Bus Line, there has been little support for reviving football, which he sees as a missed economic opportunity.

David Janse van Rensburg, chairman of the DA MPL portfolio committee for Public Works, Infrastructure, Roads, Transport and Human Settlements, also called for a strategic focus on infrastructure and private sector involvement to increase the province’s attractiveness.

He pointed out that the Free State, with its facilities such as the Toyota Stadium, Dr Rantlai Petrus Molemela Stadium and various other sporting venues, has untapped potential that can be harnessed for economic growth.

DA MPL Chairman of the Portfolio Committee on Public Works, Infrastructure, Roads, Transport and Human Settlements, David Janse Van Rensburg. Photo: Screenshot

“What do we offer supporters and tourists who want to visit the Free State? We need to showcase the potential of the province, as evidenced by the successful international rugby match between the Springboks and Portugal. Events like this are good for local guesthouses, shopping centres, petrol stations and small businesses,” said Janse van Rensburg.

He regretted that the province’s sporting infrastructure was underutilised. According to him, the loss of the Celtic football franchise and the failure to host national championships due to poor infrastructure had a detrimental effect on the local economy.

Janse van Rensburg urged DESTEA to work together with other departments, such as Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation, and with municipal authorities to limit losses and maximise the economic benefits of sports and tourism.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi my god


Author: OFM

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