Politicians betray citizens on Gauteng infrastructure

Weak municipalities, already struggling to deliver essential services like water and electricity, are another contributing factor. Yet, premier Panyaza Lesufi has done little to intervene. He has acknowledged the problem, but like so many other leaders, he has chosen the path of least resistance, preferring to ignore the depth of the crisis rather than confront it head-on. This is not leadership but negligence.

As the economy continues to decline due to poor policy decisions and mismanagement, there is less and less money available to address Gauteng’s infrastructure needs. Projects are implemented in a piecemeal fashion, delayed until a budget becomes available. The consequences are devastating. Residents are left in the dark, with no idea when, or if, these projects will ever be completed. One glaring example is the fire compliance project at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, where R1.7bn is required to complete the work – money that doesn’t exist.

Despite countless allegations of inefficiency, wastage, and corruption, the political leadership in Gauteng has been weak in addressing the issue. This is not a failure of oversight; it is a betrayal of public trust. Infrastructure projects with large budgets are prime targets for criminal syndicates, yet the government has done little to protect these assets.

It’s time to confront the uncomfortable truth: the current institutional model for infrastructure development in Gauteng is broken. Departments operate in silos, spreading scarce resources and expertise too thin. Worse still, any attempt to consolidate functions is met with political resistance from those intent on protecting their personal empires. This self-serving behaviour is why Gauteng continues to suffer under incompetent leadership.

The people of Gauteng deserve better. It’s time for Lesufi to stop turning a blind eye to the chaos and take decisive action. Without swift and effective intervention, Gauteng’s infrastructure will remain an embarrassment, and the province will continue its slow, steady descent into dysfunction.

  • Fuchs is DA’s MPL member for the standing committee on public accounts (Scopa)

Alan Fuchs

Alan Fuchs
Author: Alan Fuchs

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