Man found with woman’s body in boot of a car remanded in custody

“It is alleged that the accused tied her up, robbed her of belongings, wrapped her in a carpet, put her in the boot of her car, and drove with her to Pretoria. 

“When the deceased’s daughter could not get hold of her on the phone, she called the tracker company to locate the car. The tracker company then located the car at a petrol station in Moreleta, Pretoria, while the accused was inside the shop,” said Mahanjana. 

She said the petrol attendants identified Karelse as the person who was driving the vehicle when questioned by the tracking company. 

“The tracker company personnel then apprehended the accused when they opened the boot of the car. The deceased’s body was found with cables about her neck and her mouth covered with tape. Police were called, and the accused was arrested and remanded in custody,” said Mahanjana. 

Mahanjana said  Lea’s cause of death was not yet known but that suspicions were that she was strangled.

“Her mouth was also covered with duct tape,” she said.

The matter was postponed to September 2 for bail information and for the Legal Aid attorney to consult with the accused regarding confessing, she said.

Mahanjana said the state intends to oppose bail in the matter. 

Koena Mashale

Koena Mashale
Author: Koena Mashale

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