Limpopo trio accused of killing women, throwing bodies into pigsty remanded

The case of a Limpopo farmer and his employees accused of killing two women and throwing their bodies in a pigsty has been postponed to October 2 after the director of public prosecutions issued a certificate indicating the bail application hearing be held in the regional court in Polokwane.

On Tuesday, Zachariah Johannes Olivier, Rudolph de Wet and William Musora appeared in the Mankweng magistrate’s court on two counts of murder, attempted murder, three counts of defeating the ends of justice, illegal possession of firearms and ammunition and contravening the Immigration Act.

National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi said during the proceedings the state applied to appeal a decision by the magistrate in which the state was ordered to furnish Olivier with a copy of the statement he made to the police upon his arrest.

“The state has received reasons for judgment on September 2. However, the reasons do not set forth the question of law. The accused people are remanded” she said.

Olivier, the owner of Onverwacht farm near Kotishing village in the Sebayeng policing area in Limpopo, De Wet and Musoro were arrested after the decomposing bodies of Maria Makgato, 47, and Lucia Ndlovu, 34, were found in a pigsty. 

The bodies were found with bullet wounds. 


Shonisani Tshikalange

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