former broadcaster lambastes conditions in Helen Joseph Hospital

I was unable to breathe and because I don’t have medical aid, I was rushed to Helen Joseph Hospital. Then when I got there, they diagnosed me with something called empyema (often associated with pneumonia).

They drained 600ml of fluids out of my lungs and put me on antibiotics. However, I then spent the next three days in casualty at Helen Joseph — there was a time I slept on the floor. On the third day I lost control of my bowels and I was lying on my own faeces for the whole day,” he said.

He complained and was moved to ward eight but alleged staff did not explain what was happening or wrong with him.

The conditions in the hospital are shocking, toilets are disgusting. No bathing facilities. You have to use a bucket at 4am to wash yourself. There is no dignity, the doctors at the hospital don’t talk to anyone with any respect. Everyone gets treated like they are cockroaches coming in from the streets,” he said. 

He complained about not receiving medication.

When you are supposed to get some medication, next thing you get no medication for a day or a doctor is not there for one day or you don’t see a doctor for 48 hours. Any of these things can happen and it happened to me and I watched worse happening to people around me,” he said. 

He described watching a man nearby having a lumbar puncture and screaming.

The five doctors were discussing their bonuses, their cars and the restaurant they like to eat at while this man was screaming like a dog. I cannot believe what I have seen inside Helen Joseph Hospital with the people that run it. Forget the facilities, the facilities are atrocious, there is paint peeling off the walls, and flies are flying around the ward.

“Lots of flies — that man I am talking about passed away this morning [Saturday] at about 6am. He lay in front of me for four hours before they came in and removed his body. By the time they removed his body, the room was full of flies. I am totally disgusted,” he said. 

London decided to leave on Saturday as a crowdfunding campaign by fans gathered pace on social media raising funds for London to be treated in a private hospital.

“I refused treatment (on Saturday morning) and I walked out. I refused to be treated like a cockroach. I said what must I tell the other doctor? That was the first time since I was admitted that they told me what’s wrong with my lungs,” he said. 

London said he was being admitted to Morningside Hospital and friends were helping to raise the needed funds.

The provincial heath department said it was aware of social media posts by a patient who made several allegations against the hospital.

Department spokesperson Motalatale Modiba said an investigation was under way to establish the facts and attend to the issues raised.

“While the matter is being investigated it is important to note that the department, nine months ago, launched a provincial campaign called ‘I Serve With A Smile’, which is aimed at improving staff attitude and patient experience of care. This programme is being rolled out to facilities,” he said.

He said the department had established an internal infrastructure unit which had developed a maintenance and refurbishment programme.

“Previously this function was carried out by a sister department of infrastructure. Through this programme, several facilities have already undergone maintenance and refurbishments.

“We have completed ICU wards at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital and Jubilee District Hospital. Discoverers CHC and Kopanong Hospital have also undergone substantial refurbishments. Helen Joseph and other facilities will also be receiving attention,” he added.

The department urged patients to report complaints to quality assurance offices located at each health facility if they were not happy with the service received.

He said patients could alternatively report their complaint to the department’s quality assurance office via the 24-hour customer line on 0800 203 886 which is toll-free.


Phathu Luvhengo

Phathu Luvhengo
Author: Phathu Luvhengo

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