COSATU welcomes the appointment of Monyatso oa Mahlatsi as Free State MEC of Health21 June 2024 – COSATU

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) is extremely proud that one of our own trade unionists has been appointed as Minister of Health of the Free State.

COSATU Free State Provincial Secretary Monyatso Viceroy Mahlatsi was on Thursday appointed MEC for Health for the province by recently sworn-in Prime Minister Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae.

Mahlatsi became Provincial Secretary in 2014 after working as an organizer for many years. A son of the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality, Mahlatsi always advocated and raised issues affecting communities in the Free State, particularly in rural areas.

He is a tireless advocate for the working class, from municipal workers demanding their salaries to employees ensuring that all households have water.

We trust that he will continue the working class struggle in his new role, especially as the health system prepares for the introduction of national health insurance.

The Federation is pleased that Prime Minister Letsoha-Mathae has recognised in Mahlatsi what we have always known; he is a hardworking, humble individual with great integrity who has always worked for the unity of COSATU and has been the voice of workers. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

COSATU commends Prime Minister Letsoha-Mathae for remaining true to the principle of our ally, the ANC, to involve the Alliance in its decision-making and activities, and those of the state.

It is vital that the Free State government takes urgent action to address the province’s many challenges, from unpaid municipal workers to struggling public and municipal services, endemic corruption to poor roads and unemployment among secondary school students.

Published by COSATU

Zanele Sabela (COSATU spokesperson)
Mobile: 079 287 5788
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