Achievers at Northern Cape Bowls recognised | News24

Achievers at Northern Cape Bowls recognised | News24

Marietjie van der Berg and Braam van der Westhuizen at a previous occasion. She was the Northern Cape Bowls’ Victrix Ludorum of the year.

Photos: Facebook/Northern Cape Bowls

Achievers of the Northern Cape Bowls (NCB) were awarded, as well as the way ahead highlighted, at a recent workshop and annual general meeting (AGM).

At the event hosted on Saturday, 31 August, NCB president Braam van der Westhuizen expressed his honour at the presence of honorary life members, Balan Moodalay and June Povall.

He said the contributions of Moodalay and Povall underscored why they were granted this recognition.

A highlight was the handing over of the Victor and Victrix Ludorum trophies. These were awarded to CP Mathewson and Marietjie van der Berg, respectively.

Reflecting on achievements

The president also reflected on the organisation’s achievements over the past year, including:

  • gold medals for the U30 team at the U30 inter districts event;
  • silver medals for Barry Minopetros in the pairs at the nationals, and CP Mathewson in the South African U30 masters;
  • Driaan van Niekerk’s performance, reaching the last eight in the pairs at the nationals;
  • CP Mathewson’s selection for the South African team to compete in the Africa States Tournament;
  • Driaan van Niekerk’s place in the South African Green Squad;
  • Wimpie Viljoen earned two gold medals at the national event for bowlers with a disability, and was reselected for the South African International Bowls for Disabled (IBD) team;
  • Lappies Labuschagne earned two gold medals as a director for blind player Gamiet Fortune in the same tournament;
  • Marietjie van der Berg won four medals at the Namibian nationals; and
  • Susan Venter won two gold medals, also in the Namibian nationals.

JP Mathewson (left) and Driaan van Niekerk at a previous championship. Mathewson received the victor ludorum award, and Van Niekerk, amongst others, received an additional award for outstanding management of media liaison.

President’s awards introduced

The often-overlooked efforts of those working behind the scenes were recognised, and as a gesture of appreciation, the President’s Awards were introduced.

The awards for administrative excellence were presented to:

  • Jan Brits (vice-president);
  • Caren van der Westhuizen (secretary);
  • Ansie Erasmus (treasurer);
  • René van Niekerk (competition secretary); and
  • Quintin Kock (for significant contributions to administration, as well as his roles as junior manager and quadrangular skip, and sub-district president).

Addtional awards presented

  • Driaan van Niekerk (outstanding management of media liaison);
  • Letticia Sterley (for past contributions as secretary);
  • Ivan Botha (for service as past president);
  • Balan Moodalay (for role as past vice-president);
  • Barry Minopetros (for long service excellence to the NCB);
  • Adrian van Wyk (for dedication to development);
  • Michelle van Zyl, Burger Boshoff and Dietmar Christ (for dedication as sub-district presidents);
  • Susan Venter (for exceptional performance as manageress at the inter-district tournament);
  • David Paulse (for IT support during competition crises, particularly when systems crashed);
  • CP Mathewson (for being elected to the Bowls South Africa Players’ Committee); and
  • Gert Opperman and Nadine Dames (for total commitment and pride in serving NCB).

Braam van der Westhuizen (left), president of Northern Cape Bowls, presenting vice-president Jan Brits with an award for administrative excellence.

New members in management

New members were also introduced to the NCB management team:

  • Gideon de Jager (men’s competition secretary);
  • Michael Pietersen (Intervaal president);
  • Sakkie Nel (Kalahari president); and
  • Adriaan du Plessis (president: Kimberley sub-district– KSD).

Focus areas for coming year

Van der Westhuizen emphasised the importance of unity and commitment to the NCB’s vision of the Northern Cape becoming the best bowls province in South Africa, and he then outlined several key areas for the NCB to focus on in the coming year:

  • improving the quality of every player;
  • further promoting bowls in the media;
  • engaging Protea players in raising awareness of the sport;
  • strengthening standing committees to enhance all aspects of bowls within the NCB;
  • encouraging unity to work towards the goal of becoming the best;
  • involving more spectators and supporters; and
  • marketing the sport through business leagues to increase membership.

Van der Westhuizen also highlighted the importance of funding to achieve goals, and urged stakeholders to support the NCB.

Visit Northern Cape Bowls on Facebook for more information on its activities.


Author: news24

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