The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) in the Free State Province wishes to strongly oppose the recent irregular appointment of electricity service providers in the Mohokare and Kopanong municipalities. The union has noted with great concern the appointment of Bvelela Engineering and Ledi la Africa PTY LTD as electricity service providers in these municipalities without following the due process of law. The decision to appoint these companies not only undermines the principles of transparency and fairness but also jeopardizes the interests of our communities.

The appointment of these companies has been carried out in a manner that raises serious questions about due process and accountability. Our main concerns are a lack of transparency in the selection process, which did not include public consultation or an open bidding process. This raises questions about the fairness and integrity of the appointment. The criteria used are also questionable, as there appears to be a lack of clarity about the criteria used to evaluate and select the service providers. Without a transparent evaluation process, it is difficult to ensure that the selected provider meets the required standards of quality and reliability.

There are also potential conflicts of interest, with indications that appointments may have been influenced by personal or political connections rather than merit and qualifications. Such conflicts of interest could jeopardize the quality of services provided and undermine public trust. This concern is further supported by suggestions that one of these companies has links to a sitting minister in the government of national unity.

Furthermore, the impact on the community was not assessed. The interests and needs of the community must be paramount in any decision that affects essential services. The lack of community involvement in this process suggests a disregard for the voices and concerns of residents, as evidenced by the recent unrest in Mohokare Local Municipality, where communities protested these decisions.

We call on the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) in the province to intervene against these acts of impunity and to order Kopanong and Mohokare to halt the appointment of these service providers until a thorough evaluation of the selection process can be carried out. This evaluation should ensure the implementation of an open and transparent bidding process for the appointment of new service providers, including public consultation and clear criteria for evaluation. We further demand that the MEC investigates possible conflicts of interest that may have influenced these decisions and take appropriate measures to rectify the situation.

Furthermore, the MEC must ensure that both municipalities actively involve the community in discussions on the appointment of service providers to ensure that decisions reflect the needs and preferences of residents. We believe that a fair and transparent process is essential to maintain the integrity of municipal operations and to ensure that the interests of the community are served. We call on all communities to be vigilant and to act against misconduct, corruption and abuse of state power.

Published by SAMWU Free State Province

Thabang Tseuoa,

Provincial Secretary



Sandla Mahlati,

Deputy Provincial Secretary


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