READER LETTER | Gauteng needs to meet job creation targets set for womxn

This Womxn’s Month it is important to address the status of womxn in SA, especially in Gauteng. Despite constitutional and legislative efforts to establish gender equality, the reality for many womxn remains challenging.

According to Statistics SA, in 2021, 1.5-million households in Gauteng were led by womxn. While this demonstrates womxn’s strength and resilience, it also highlights the burdens they bear.

While many households are womxn-led, labour force statistics paint a dire picture. In the second quarter of 2023, womxn’s labour force participation consistently fell behind men across all age groups. Even in the peak 35-44 age bracket, womxn’s participation was 12 percentage points lower than men’s. Where womxn are employed, they are more likely to work in low-paying, vulnerable positions with limited prospects for improvement.

The disparity is evident where only 3.3% of womxn were employers compared to 7.5% of men. Womxn are overrepresented in unpaid household work and underrepresented in leadership roles. This maintains a cycle of economic disempowerment that we must urgently address.

As we acknowledge the progress made so far, we must also confront the reality that womxn are still earning less than men. The gender pay gap persists and women continue to shoulder the majority of unpaid care work.

To truly honour the spirit of Womxn’s Month, we must accelerate efforts to enhance womxn’s participation in employment, create access to opportunities across all economic sectors, and address job gaps beyond mere unemployment figures in this province. All job creation targets for womxn across all departments must be met in Gauteng.

Job availability remains the most effective economic empowerment strategy for womxn and increasing their labour market participation is not just a matter of equality; it’s essential for the overall development and prosperity of our nation.

A DA government in Gauteng will ensure that all job targets set for womxn’s employment in the various departments are met. Furthermore, we will ensure that we adhere to all legislation to promote gender equality in the workplace.

Let us use this Womxn’s Month to renew our commitment to gender equality, not just in law but in practice. The empowerment of womxn is not a womxn’s issue; it’s a societal need that benefits us all.

Nazely Sharif, DA Gauteng’s economic development spokesperson



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