Controversial Pastor Mboro to remain in custody pending bail application

Controversial religious leader Paseka “Pastor Mboro” Motsoeneng (56) appeared briefly in the Palm Ridge Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, with his co-accused, bodyguard Clement Camllot Baloyi (43) and a relative who can’t be named to protect the identity of three minor children involved in the matter.

They face 12 charges including kidnapping, possession of an unlicensed firearm, discharging a firearm, assault and malicious damage to property.  

paster mboro custody

Pastor Paseka ‘Mboro’ Mostoeneng (56) (left) and his bodyguard Clement Camllot Baloyi (43) in the Palm Ridge Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday. (Photo: Felix Dlangamandla)

Mboro and his co-accused will remain in custody until their bail application, set down for 16 August.  

The grandmother and uncle of the abducted children, who were arrested on Tuesday evening along with Mboro and his two co-accused, were released on R1,000 bail each on condition that they have no direct or indirect contact with the complainants or State witnesses. They face intimidation and assault charges after cases were lodged against them by Motsoeneng.

The matter was postponed to 10 September for further investigation.

Read more: Pastor Mboro’s Katlehong church set alight after alleged school abduction

Motsoeneng, his bodyguard and relative were arrested after the circulation of a video allegedly filmed at Matsediso Primary School in Katlehong, Ekurhuleni, on Monday. The video appears to show the pastor and another man wielding pangas, while a masked man carries what seems to be an assault rifle. Two minor children were allegedly forcefully removed from the school during the incident.

Custody battle

Daily Maverick understands the altercations depicted in the video stemmed from a custody battle between two families over three children after the death from tuberculosis of the children’s mother in April.

Kgadi Hlalele, a relative of the children’s maternal family, said the children, aged three, five and seven, had been living with their maternal family since the death of their mother.

“These children require TB treatment, so the grandmother took them to the hospital last week so that they could get treatment but now the father of the children came and took the children during school hours last Thursday and he left with them.

“We let him because we thought he would bring them back, but the next day they didn’t show up at school and these children need that treatment. We went to Mboro’s home on Friday to give the treatments but he said ‘no’ and kicked us out using the same pangas in front of the police,” she alleged. 

“We are not saying he must abandon the children, but rather let us take the children so we can take care of them. The children know who their father is and they will go back to him.”

Without disclosing where they are currently staying, the Gauteng Department of Education has said the three children are safe. DM


Daily Maverick

Daily Maverick
Author: Daily Maverick

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