White River military camp training unlawful – PsiRA – defenceWeb

In the wake of the discovery of the illegal military training camp in White River, Mpumalanga, the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSiRA), has said the training conducted there was unlawful as it went beyond the scope of security industry training.

The Authority noted that the camp, located on a farm, was the address of a security service provider, Milites Dei Security Services (Pty) Ltd (MDSS), that had previously registered with PSiRA.

“PSiRA has instructed MDSS to immediately cease all training activities and has deployed its inspectorate to physically inspect the premises to ensure compliance,” PSiRA said in a statement, which further noted that the Authority, together with other government departments, was naturally concerned about these activities. The Regulatory Authority has taken “immediate steps to conduct preliminary investigations and, consequently, PSiRA [has] shut down such training.”

Read the full story on ProtectionWeb here.


Author: defenceWeb

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