Two departments merged in Northern Cape | News24

Two departments merged in Northern Cape | News24

Provincial commissioner Lt. Gen. Koliswa Otola and MEC Bentley Vass.

For the Northern Province’s seventh administration, two departments have merged into the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs; and Transport, Safety and Liaison. Bentley Vass was sworn in as its MEC, with these focus areas:

  • cooperative governance: local government and the functioning of municipalities, as well as disaster management;
  • human settlements: housing challenges and programmes to ensure security and comfort;
  • traditional affairs: a bridge between government and traditional council;
  • public safety: ensuring safety and security of residents;
  • road safety and traffic law enforcement: road safety and compliance with traffic laws; and
  • public transport regulation: ensuring safety, efficiency, and affordability of public transport.

Vass met with senior police officials and will be visiting all districts to get an understanding of its functioning, challenges and shortfalls.

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Author: news24

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