PENUEL MADUNA |Divisive Malatji is misguided Julius Malema wannabe

The ANCYL’s failure to mobilise young people behind the ANC banner is a clear indication of Malatjie’s ineffectiveness. Instead of holding his organisation accountable, he chooses to insult elected leaders.

This mini-Malema has failed to take his home province to a provincial congress, yet he chooses to insult leaders who have convened their congresses and were duly elected. 

Malatji’s defence of the DA , a rival political party, and his promotion of an ANC-DA coalition should be a cause for concern. His actions are a betrayal of the principles and values of the ANCYL, the graves of Anton Lembede, Peter Mokaba, and Sindiso Magaqa have been p**d on.

Those who are close to him are afraid of calling him to order because they have ambitions of leading through patronage. We are not inspired by pseudo-revolutionaries who are sustained by popularity-seeking rants. A leader who relies on insulting other leaders to get media attention is not worthy of respect.

Young people must reject Malatjie and his leadership. Those who imposed him must also be held accountable for their role in the ANC’s electoral decline. It’s time to expose and reject counter-revolutionary agendas that prioritise personal gain over the interests of the people.”

Such characters are the reason for the ANC’s electoral decline, and they should be exposed and rejected for their attempts to protect their ill-gotten wealth. 

Maduna is a former ANCYL regional spokesperson

Penuel Maduna

Penuel Maduna
Author: Penuel Maduna

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