A health worker was attacked at the Thabong clinic. (Duncan Alfreds/News24)
A disgruntled patient attacked a health care worker at the Thabong Clinic in the Free State by throwing a bucket of faeces over the worker, allegedly expressing his frustration with the service provided.
Free State MP for Health Monyatso Mahlatsi “strongly” condemned the incident.
Mahlatsi said the patient reportedly went to the clinic early Thursday morning and was not helped as quickly as he had hoped.
“The patient left on his own accord but returned the next day with a bucket full of faeces. He poured it over the health worker, causing contamination in the reception area,” the MEC said.
“After the attack, the perpetrator bragged and posted the aftermath of his violent and humiliating attack on Facebook.”
A criminal case was opened and the health service provided the employee with counseling.
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