Saul’s re-election paves the way for Orania to be recognised: FF+ – SABC News – Breaking news, special reports, world, business, sport coverage of all South African current events. Africa’s news leader.

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The Freedom Front Plus in the Northern Cape says the re-election of Zamani Saul as the Premier paves the way for its request for the consideration of the status of Orania.

The FF Plus voted with the ANC in the provincial legislature to ensure the re-election of Saul.

Orania is an Afrikaner nationalist town in the province. It is located along the Orange River in the Karoo region.

An agreement between the FF Plus and the ANC stipulates that the provincial government will legally recognise Orania.

FF Plus member of the Provincial Legislature, Theo Joubert says, “I think it’s a historic moment because now the government, by doing that, they are actually recognising the right to existence of these communities such as Orania. Furthermore, there will be a working team set up by the Province that will go liaise with Orania with the idea of helping other communities in the Northern Cape.”

7th Parliament | Saul re-elected as Northern Cape Premier

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