READER LETTER | Ramathuba upsetting by appointing Mahoai MEC

Honourable Phopi Ramathuba, may you be honourable as Limpopo’s premier and respect the electorate.

We had hardly finished celebrating your appointment and reflecting on your hard work when you were the health MEC when you disappointed us by appointing Kgabo Mahoai as treasury MEC.

Maybe Mahoai is a trusted ally to you and therefore payback for him. But remember, nationally the punishment the ANC suffered for caring more about allies and less for the poor masses.

That Limpopo gave the ANC huge support doesn’t erase the fact that people don’t have jobs, electricity and water, collecting the precious commodity from wells and rivers.

The ANC benefited from the belief “better the devil you know” for the Limpopo votes as people do not trust the flip-flopping Julius Malema of the EFF and dislike his lack of respect.

All this means appointing dodgy characters in your cabinet simply because you can, may finish off your organisation. Please premier, get thoughtful advisers and do the honourable thing as a leader, and that includes opening your ears to listen to people; surely you dare not make people doubt your fitness to hold office.

M Machacha, Limpopo


Author: SowetanLIVE

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