Northern Cape veterans, U30s in full swing on bowling greens | News24

Top U30 and veteran bowlers competed this weekend at the Northern Cape Bowls U30 and Veteran Masters event. Held at Beaconsfield Park Bowling Green Club and Sol Plaatje West End Bowls Club, the event concluded with finals at Sol Plaatje.

In the U30 masters, CP Mathewson emerged victorious against runner-up Driaan van Niekerk, while Kieran Kelly, last year’s champion, secured bronze by defeating Diann Cilliers. In the veteran men’s category, Danie Koekemoer triumphed over Gert Opperman. Veteran women’s final saw Laura Fouché narrowly winning against Michelle van Zyl.

Braam van der Westhuizen, chairman of Northern Cape Bowls, praised the players’ dedication, highlighting that competitors traveled from all across the Northern Cape, undeterred by challenges like snow in Carnarvon.

Van der Westhuizen emphasized humility as a key lesson from bowling and invited anyone interested to join a local club. For more information, visit Northern Cape Bowls on Facebook.

Original Source: Helena Barnard
Date: 2024-06-13 06:24:50

Author: Helena Barnard