Mobile breast cancer screening unit gives support to women in Northern Cape | News24

Mobile breast cancer screening unit gives support to women in Northern Cape | News24

The mobile breast cancer screening unit at the North Cape Mall in Kimberley, where it will be until 28 June. After that, it will move to Kathu, Upington, and Springbok.

A world-class mobile breast cancer screening unit is currently in Kimberley, and both women with medical aid and those without, can book an appointment for a mammogram and breast sonars.

This is part of the non-profit and mobile mammogram initiative, Screen Her Save Her, in partnership with KSR Keystone Radiology.

Women without medical aid and who cannot afford a mammogram, can apply for a free screening.


The reception area of the mobile breast cancer screening unit.

An annual mammogram, which is recommended for all women from the age of 40 years, can detect breast cancer even before a lump can be felt. A mammogram is a specialised X-ray that detects abnormalities in breast tissue by capturing detailed images and is the best way to reveal early signs of breast cancer.

Early detection is key to having more treatment options and better treatment outcomes.

  • In Kimberley, this all-female unit can be visited on the parking lot at the back of the North Cape Mall until Friday, 28 June.
  • From Monday, 1 July, until Thursday, 18 July, the unit will be at the Heritage Mall in Kathu.
  • The unit then moves to Upington, where it can be visited at the Kalahari Mall from Monday, 22 July, until Friday, 2 August.
  • It will be in Springbok from Monday, 5 August, to Thursday, 15 August, at a venue still to be confirmed. However, bookings can already be made.

For more information, visit Screen Her Save Her – Non profit on Facebook.

To book, dial 087-055-0587 or send a message on WhatsApp to 076-199-9849.


The mobile screening unit can be visited in Kimberley, Kathu, Upington and Springbok.

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Author: news24

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