The Simon Mabhunu Sabela KZN Film and Television Awards have withdrawn the late Mpho Sebeng’s nomination for Best Actor due to an error. Sebeng, who was nominated for his role in either film or TV, was found not to be a resident of KwaZulu-Natal, a key criterion for the nomination. The organization acknowledged the mistake and assured that Sebeng’s removal would not impact the overall nominee list, which now has three contenders. Sebeng, who tragically died in a car accident in May, had a notable career including roles in “Justice for All” and “Ring of Lies,” the latter earning him a Best Actor nomination at the South African Film and Television Awards in 2018. His final project, “016FM,” was recently highlighted with a trailer, showcasing Sebeng’s dedication to portraying the struggles of two DJs attempting to save their community radio station.
Original Source: The Citizen
Date: 2024-06-19 07:41:50