DA in Northern Cape sets record straight | News24

DA in Northern Cape sets record straight | News24

Dr. Isak Fritz (left) and Harold McGluwa of the DA.

The DA in the Northern Cape, who is not part of a government of provincial unity (GPU) with the ANC, says it is ready to once again take up its role as main opposition in the provincial legislature.

The ANC who has 15 of the 30 seats in the legislature, has an official agreement with the FF Plus that it will, with its one seat, support the ANC to rule with a majority. In exchange, the FF Plus wants legal protection of Orania, chairperson of the portfolio committee of Local Government, and the setting up of a private public agency to refurbish and expand infrastructure.

Harold McGluwa, DA leader, says their party was in favour of forming a GPU in the Northern Cape.

“We are disappointed that this opportunity did not present itself, as we have the will, the experience, and the track record required to help turn this province around. I believe that such an arrangement would have been far more impactful in addressing the many challenges facing the province.

“It is unlike the vague agreement reached between the ANC and the FF Plus, which will benefit only a select community and lacks muscle to effect any noteworthy change within provincial government.”

The DA is not swayed in its commitment to rescue the province.

“We will upscale our oversight duties, be more vocal in offering practical proposals and remedies for the problems faced by the provincial government, and not shy away from holding government accountable for corruption, mismanagement and service delivery failures. We will also continue to unite communities and build a non-racial and non-sexist society as we again roll up our sleeves to realise the dream of a better future for all in this province.”

McGluwa says at the swearing-in ceremony for Members of the Provincial Legislature (MPLs) last week, the DA proposed its own candidates for premier, speaker, and deputy speaker.

“The DA put forward DA candidates to complete the cycle of our campaign promise to the electorate, not for political theatrics. The EFF decided to vote for the DA candidates, as opposed to the ANC candidates. This was each party’s own decision, not the makings of some kind of agreement as reported.

“Given that the ANC was a single seat short of a total majority, they decided against the option of a GPU.

“They chose to work with a smaller party. The DA was therefore in our full right to nominate our own candidates,” McGluwa says.

Charné Kemp

Charné Kemp
Author: Charné Kemp

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