Celebrating bravery: SANParks recognises firefighters’ sacrifices in Western Cape | News24

Gratitude was extended to hundreds of firefighters and six pilots who worked tirelessly throughout the fire season as well as partners like Volunteer Wildfire Services at Newlands Fire Base last week.PHOTOS: Heleen Boshoff

Speeches, stats and certificates at Newlands Fire Base, alone, could not account for the sheer sacrifices made by the brave men and women on the front lines at the end of yet another excruciating fire season.

Especially considering, for the past 25 years, not a single life was lost on their watch.

Last week Tuesday 18 June, South African National Parks (SANParks) hosted a scrumptious spread as a thanksgiving for the efforts of the firefighters, operators, partners, and volunteers who have demonstrated unparalleled bravery and resilience during the 2023-’24 Western Cape Fire Season, particularly within the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP).

TMNP ’23-24 Fire Season

Throughout this challenging season, TMNP faced:

  • 119 fires between April last year and March, compared to 85 fires the previous year;
  • in April and May alone saw TMNP respond to 32 fires, including five extended attack multi-day fires;
  • a total of 533 hours of flying;
  • as well as a total of 6 318 liters of water utilized in suppressing multiple fires.

Reflecting on his first ever fire season as TMNP Integrated Fire Manager Justin Buchmann said it started as early as November, shortly followed by the Castle Rock fire in December.

“We had six days of active fire line, but eventually we were there for nine to ten days. We even had flare-ups during the course of January in some of the more remote parts after the Castle Rock fire.”

Buchmann believed this was the first time the City’s fire and rescue service, Western Cape Disaster Management and SANParks’ teams joined forces at an operational level.

“On Christmas Day (25 December), the City declared a code red for the city of Cape Town. They had fires across the City Bowl that had to be managed in triage, and at one stage, pretty much all of the aerial resources in the province were airborne at the same time.

“So that gives you the scale of what started out the fire season. And then, we assumed that was going to be it – that was the one big fire of the season. But it simply continued,” Buchmann pointed out.

SANParks’ Senior Section Ranger Clinton Dilgee recognised the difficulties faced by his fellow rangers and operational teams with a word of encouragement.

Gratitude was extended to hundreds of firefighters and six pilots who worked tirelessly throughout the fire season as well as partners like Volunteer Wildfire Services at Newlands Fire Base last week.PHOTOS: Heleen Boshoff

SANParks’ Managing Executive of the Parks Division Property Mokoena handed over a certificate to honour TMNP Integrated Fire Manager Justin Buchmann’s achievements during his first fire season, along with TMNP Manager Megan Taplin.

These figures also highlight the dedicated efforts of our firefighting teams who risked their lives to protect both communities and the environment, as no significant loss of infrastructure were recorded.

Gratitude was extended to approximately 300 firefighters and six pilots who worked tirelessly throughout the fire season, navigating difficult conditions to contain and extinguish fires. Their dedication has been pivotal in preserving TMNP’s natural resources.

Operational troops honoured

Here, SANParks’ Senior Section Ranger Clinton Dilgee addressed all those serving crucial operations: “Operations is a special kind of monster. We feed by logistics, we are tested by planning, kept in line and we’re made famous by ‘comms’.

“We are in the business of bringing people home. This can never change. It will never change. It needs to keep us humble… It most definitely needs to keep us strong,” were the words Dilgee dedicated to his troops.

Acknowledgment is also due to SANParks’ partners, dispatchers, management teams, and stakeholders who provided essential support.

READ: Rate of fires ‘staggering’ as City of Cape Town’s fire services battle more than 1000 fires

Key partners include NCC Environmental Services, Volunteer Wildfire Services, Working on Fire, Kishugu Aviation, and others, whose collaboration was vital in firefighting efforts.

Continuous appreciation was extended to sponsors and donors such as Shoprite Checkers group, Spar, Pick n Pay ASAP, Mustafadin Foundation, Simply Asia, McDonald’s, Butlers Pizza, Nandos, Debonairs Pizza and the community of Cape Town for their ongoing support, ensuring firefighters were nourished and energized during extended operations.

In conclusion, SANParks said: “To the brave men and women on the front lines – your courage, dedication, and resilience have not gone unnoticed. You exemplify the spirit of selflessness and sacrifice, and for that, we are deeply grateful.”

Heleen Boshoff

Heleen Boshoff
Author: Heleen Boshoff

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