In Ezakheni, KwaZulu-Natal, six people, including two children, were fatally shot by an unidentified number of gunmen on Monday evening. The incident occurred on Helpmekaar Road as 12 individuals were traveling in a bakkie that came under fire from another vehicle. Among the deceased were four women, aged 15 to 37, and two children, aged two and five. Surviving the attack were two men and three women who are now hospitalized, while a 21-year-old woman escaped unharmed. Police have initiated a 72-hour mobilization to hunt the assailants, though the motive remains unclear. KZN Education MEC Sipho Hlomuka revealed three victims included a Ngcede Primary School teacher and her two children from Limehill High School. Hlomuka expressed condolences, urging the public to assist police with information by contacting their local police station or calling the Crime Stop number 08600 10111.
Original Source: Noxolo Sibiya
Date: 2024-06-18 20:13:05