Acting North West Premier sacks Social Development MEC Boitumelo Moiloa | News24

Lazurus Mokgosi has been appointed as the new North West MEC for Social Development, replacing Boitumelo Moiloa, who was dismissed after a prolonged suspension. Announced by Acting Prime Minister Nono Maloyi, Moiloa’s removal aims to address administrative challenges within the department. Mokgosi, the ANC’s provincial vice-chairman, was sworn in on Wednesday morning. Maloyi stated that the interventions in the department are making progress and updates will be provided soon.

Prime Minister Bushy Maape is on sick leave following surgery, and Maloyi has taken on the acting premier role. Before taking leave, Maape had placed both Moiloa and the department’s head, Relebohile Mofokane, on “special leave” due to their inability to collaborate, which was affecting service delivery and governance. Moiloa faced immediate suspension, while Mofokane was on a month-long special leave. Obakeng Mongale continues as the acting HOD until the end of July 2023.

Original Source: Botho Molosankwe
Date: 2023-07-12 08:35:53

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